
Everything is fine until it is not. Theft or loss of our devices is a stressful event. We would better plan our response.


There are reactive and proactive measures to respond to theft or loss. Proactively, create enough redundancy to be able to recover later. We recommend syncing as many devices as appropriate, given privacy concerns. We recommend syncing devices frequently. Zxbase will help by showing a warning if the latest updates are not synced with any other device.

vault warning


Reactively, once you suspect you don’t have control over the device - isolate it. The ultimate way of isolation is to remove it from the list of peers on all paired devices. Go to Peers, choose the device, and tap on the device name. Tap Edit, and press Delete.

delete lost device

It will eliminate all communication to the device. Make sure to do it on all peers you control.

Tips and tricks

  • Configure your least used device to block incoming updates: Vault → Sync. From time to time, bring it online and sync with the rest of your fleet, approving an update manually. That will assure data will not be wiped accidentally or from a compromised device.

block incoming updates

  • Configure your devices to share location beforehand. If you believe the lost device still can be found, keep it on the list of peers but remove it from the list of peers participating in synchronization: Vault → Sync. And stop sharing location with it: Locations → Peers. You will be able to track the location of the device.

lost device map